"Il y a beaucoup à dire à propos du savon. Exactement tout ce qu'il raconte de lui-même jusqu'à la disparition complète, épuisement du sujet. Voilà l'objet même qui me convient. * Le savon a beaucoup à dire. Qu'il le dise avec volubilité, enthousiasme. Quand il a fini de le dire, il n'existe plus."

( Francis Ponge 1967 Le Savon).

samedi, octobre 19, 2013


Le Dandelion Zebra Swirl est une technique mise au point par Vinvela sur son blog  : ici
Vinvela est une talentueuse savonnière.
Visitez son blog pour découvrir son univers.
Le Dandelion Zebra Swirl est la technique  à l'étude ce mois ci au Soap Challenge Club organisé par Amy .

Une technique abordée sur Blogs of soap, mon autre blog  :

The Dandelion Zebra Swirl is a technique created by Vinvela. Details on her blog here.
Vinvela is a creative soapmaker. Go have a look at her soaps on her blog .
Dandelion Zebra Swril is the study this month at Amy's Soap Challenge Club. 

On my other blog,  there is a summary post on Dandelion zebra swril :

J'ai opté pour utiliser les parois du moule en guise d'intercalaire pour y verser par alternance les pâtes colorées. J'ai incliné le moule à gauche puis ensuite à droite puis de nouveau à gauche comme Vinvela le montre dans ces 2 vidéos ici et  .  La trace est arrivé rapidement vu la formule utilisé, mais j'ai pu réaliser la technique rapidement.

I have used the side of the mold to poor alternatively the colored soap paste along the side as Vinvela shows in this 2 videos   here et here . Trace came faster but I have had enough time to do the Dandelion quickly.

La formule :  un savon  au beurre de karité  et aux 5 argiles, comportant 40% de lait de coco.
The formula : a single oil cold process soap rich in shea butter with 5 clays, and 40% coconut milk.

La formule ( % par rapport au poids total de savon ) : Formulas % as  % of total weight of soap
53,2 % de Karité   shea butter
40,4% de lait de coco coconut milk
6,4% sodium hydroxyde
argile verte, rouge, jaune, rose, blanche / clays green yellow red pink white 

La formule ( % par rapport au poids des huiles) : Formulas % as % of oils
100% Karité shea butter
76% de lait de coco coconut milk
sodium hydroxyde pour un surgraissage à 5%  ( sodium hydroxyde for 5% superfat )
argile verte, rouge,  jaune, rose , blanche  clays green yellow red pink white 

à 24h après démoulage, un savon à la mousse légère crémeuse et douce, qui laisse la peau douce
24h after demoulding, a soap with a creamy and silky light lather. the skin is very soft after using it. 

Des savons avec une seule huile et un max de lait de coco ( plus de 40%) ,  j'en ai déjà réaliséavec de l'huile d'olive uniquement et avec de l'huile de coco uniquement. Je suis ravie de voir ce que cela donne avec du beurre de Karité sans huile de coco, sans palme, sans cacao, sans huile de ricin.
Un savon dur rapidement démoulé après 5h en moule.
Le temps de cure sera  long du fait du fort volume de lait.

I have done soaps with one oil and more than 40% of coconut milk  : here with EVOO  and  here with coconut oil.
I like this kind of formula with only Shea Butter, no coconut , no palm , no cacao butter , no castor oil.
a hard soap quickly demoulded after 5 hours in the mould.
Curing time will be longer because of the huge volume of milk.

J'ai utilisé le beurre de Karité de Karethic pour réaliser ce savon.
The shea butter I have used comes from Karethic.

Rendez-vous sur Hellocoton !

23 commentaires:

  1. Looks so cool,Swanee! I would say it's modified technique, with your personal twist, which really makes a distinction! I love your result,congrats!

    1. Hello Diva, thanks for your comment.
      it is a twist from Vinvela not from me. Have a look to her blog. There is the simple dandelion ( pouring soap on a dividor ) but there is also the dandelion combined with other swirls or combined with other way to hold the mould, to position the dividor in the mould etc... The design is not the same following the twist made. On her blog, a lot of her soaps are dandelion from the simple one to more with a twist.
      My twist here is to move the mold from left to right while pouring the paste alternatively along the side of the mold

  2. Superbe, Swanee! J'aime ton choix pour les colorants naturels!

  3. Gorgeous design! I especially love the soft colors (clays) you chose for it--it's so elegant.

  4. Amazing!! You are so very creative. :) And the soap recipe sounds delightfully decadent!!

    1. Thanks Amy. I enjoy the soap challenges and like to test new formulas I have never done. I'm in my mood to test less oils for making soap.

  5. superbe savon. bravo.

  6. Superbe savon.
    Bravo !

  7. Swanee, your soap looks gorgeous! I like the subtle and natural colorings from the clays.I didn't know you can do 100% Shea. Is there a reason why you pair it with a lot of coconut milk?

    1. Thanks Silvia.
      You can do single oil soap with many oils. But not all oils give a hard soap bar with lather. Some oils go rancid, give a soft bar if using too much in soap. Some oils give lather when saponified not as much as saponified coconut oil.
      I love milk in soap. Soap with a huge amount of milk takes time to cure but are great for the skin.
      I have used coconut milk because it adds lather to the soap.
      a 100% shea do not have a lather like that. Coconut milk contains nearly 20% of saturated fat.
      I have added the milk in the shea butter before pouring the lye. I do not take into account the fat in the milk ( less than 20% of saturated fat) and calculate the lye for the saponification of shea butter only. I used a superfat at 5% by considering the fact that the milk contains fat, the shea butter contains unsaponified part.

  8. Le marbrage est vraiment superbe!!! bravo Swanee!

  9. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge, Swanee!
    About clays... Does the green clay really come out green and does it stay that way?
    Are the speckles in your soap from the clays? Thank you for being patient with all my questions! :-)

    1. Thanks for asking. You're welcomed. I have used a small amount of clays. With a huge amount the colors will not be vibrant with clays. green clays give a light green color not an intense green. Yes the speckles are red clays not well mixed. I have added the clays at trace.

  10. Wow, more than one swirl! Love it.

  11. Anonyme11:15 PM

    Such a beautiful soap - love the originality of the design! Also fascinated by the idea of a Shea Butter single oil soap - very interesting x

  12. Anonyme11:17 PM

    Wow - great swirl, love the originality! I'm also fascinated by the idea of a single oil Shea Butter soap - very interesting! Does it cure any faster than normal?

    1. thanks Vicki. the cure is not faster as there is a huge amount of milk. Thought to let it cures 4 weeks more...But even with this huge amount the soap was ready to cut 24 hours later.

  13. Home Mady10:12 PM

    Très original le tendu du marbrage. Ça me fait envie. Et alors la photo avec la mousse, top !!
